While I enjoy a well done book to movie adaptation, there’s no denying that the books are always better. Furthermore, there have been SO MANY terrible book to movie adaptations that it makes me wonder why they decided to waste their time and money. Below are all the books turned into movies that I have both read and seen (theres many that I’ve either just read or just seen, but I choose not to include those because obviously I have no way to compare the two!) This is basically my opinions on the adaptations, and if they’re worth watching!


The Hunger Games– It’s pretty common knowledge that this was a great adaptation of the novels that remained truthful to the book. I was so excited that they only made minor changes and stayed true to the story line of the book, making it a true adaptation. Every adaptation should be this well done! Definitely worth watching for everyone, especially lovers of the books.


Harry Potter– Absolute classic. Probably the best done adaptation in my opinion (despite the annoying glitch that was Harry not actually having his mothers eyes which was really really annoying). If you haven’t already seen them, but honestly what rock do you live under if you haven’t, go read the books and enjoy seeing them come to life in these wonderful films.


The Chronicles of Narnia– This series was very weirdly done. First of all they skipped the first book and the third book opting instead to only adapt the second and fourth books, which I somewhat understand, but still find weird. Luckily this is another adaptation that stays truthful to the books for the most part, but I honestly just recommend reading these books and maybe just watching the first movie!

Percy Jackson– This movie is hands down THE WORST book to movie adaptation in the history of adaptations. The amount of hatred I have in my heart for this loathsome movie is unquenchable. If you know what’s good for you, read the books and avoid the movie like the plague.


The 5th Wave– This adaptation was a shit show, not as bad as Percy Jackson, but in the same realm. I was especially upset because it had so much potential in the beginning, but it quickly went down hill and I have no idea how people who didn’t read the book had any idea what was going on. Personally I really enjoyed the book and recommend it, but I wouldn’t waste your time on the movie.


Me Before You– While I didn’t absolutely love this book because of the subject matter, I really enjoyed how different it was and how it explored topics that most books don’t. I though this movie remained very faithful to the book, and the casting was perfect. Honestly, I may have enjoyed the movie slightly more than the book. If I could go back, I’d still read the book, but I wouldn’t say it should be #1 on your tbr list.

Shadow hunters (TV show)– I watched the first season, and then gave up because I couldn’t stand this awful adaptation. While it kept the essence of the  book, kinda, it was just too much of a hot mess with a terrible script, awful special effects and weird af “plot twists” that I’d say you’re safer just enjoying these books and not bothering with the series. Maybe I would have liked it if I haven’t read the books, but these do not blend well together.


City of Bones– This movie tried so so hard to be good and honestly failed epically. It just didn’t work for me and as with the other adaptation of this book, I’d say just stick to reading the books.


Twilight– Ah the infamous Twilight. Personally, as someone who read the books and enjoyed them in my middle school days (though probably wouldn’t enjoy them as much now) I really enjoyed these movies. They stayed faithful to the book and it was fun to watch everything I had read about come to life. I’d say unless you are young and naive, don’t bother with either of these, but if you’re interested go for it because I really enjoyed my time with this series.


Ella Enchanted– So I read this book/watched the movie a million years ago and I really enjoyed both. I grew up on Ella Enchanted and have a special place for it in my heart, but I really enjoyed how in the book we are able to really explore her world and get so many details about her life that aren’t included in the movie. While the movie’s pretty different from the book, I’m not mad at it (maybe because I watched it first). 10/10 recommend both!


Holes– Who doesn’t love this movie! The book is basically the same story just takes longer and goes more into the characters heads. If you enjoy this movie, you’ll like the book, I just remember it being kinda slow at times.


The Help– I really really love this movie and I really enjoyed the book as well. The book had some added details as per usual and I highly recommend reading it. Both worth your time to enjoy.

Ink heart– I honestly read/watching this way to long ago to really write much here. Honestly watch/read it for yourself and form your own opinion. I seem to remember really liking them.


Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children– This is another one of those where they changed the story line a lot in the movie, especially the ending, but I actually understood why they did it. Now that’s not to say I liked it, but I honestly didn’t really enjoy the book that much either, so I wasn’t too invested. That being said, a lot of people love the book so I’d say give it a chance but honestly I wouldn’t waste your money on the movie.

Thanks for reading 🙂

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